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Search the PEDE database

Basic Search Utility Search

Insert keywords/phrases to search

match case
match case
match case



To select multiple groups use ctrl (Windows)or command (Mac)

Age groups to search:
  • Perinates - antenatal period of the fetus or premature newborn, up to 7 days
  • Neonates - newborns, until 1 month
  • Infants - 1 month to 1 year
  • Children - 1 to 12 years
  • Adolescents - 13 to 18 years

By default, searches include all years and age groups.

Optionally, the period of publication and age groups can be narrowed.

Search Hints

  • Entering a keyword or term will return a list of citations. Because the search terms are automatically linked by and, this list will contain only those citations having ALL of the terms for the fields indicated.
  • Do separate searches for commonly abbreviated terms. Search abbreviations first (e.g. AIDS, HIV). Next search for the full terms (e.g. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Human Immunodeficiency virus).

Keywords / Title / Abstract Searches:

  • Example 1: economic
    - This search will look for all words that contain the root 'economic' (i.e. economic, economics, economical, etc.)
  • Example 2: cost-benefit analysis
    - Combinations of phrases are searched with and without hyphens/spaces. This search would also find cost benefit analysis, etc.

Author Searches:

  • Enter one author per field and in the format Lastname, FM
  • First (F) and middle (M) initials are optional.
  • Combinations of last names with/without hyphens/spaces are searched. For example, van Hout, BA also searches for van-Hout, BA
  • Match case cannot be used with author searches.